Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Giving Thanks

A huge thank you to Kathy Greene from the LADIES GROUP for "THE GIVING CIRCLE". She graciously donated a Thanksgiving Basket to help a needy family enjoy the Holiday. 
Included are all of the necessary items to prepare and enjoy a complete Thanksgiving Feast. She even added a gift card! Thank you, Kathy~ You are so appreciated!

Monday, November 18, 2013

ROC the Day

ROC THE DAY on 12.11.13
Rochester, NY
Join us and Make a Difference!
to Women and Girls as they move forward toward FREEDOM!

Ways to Give
                            To become a ROCstar donor, visit www.ROCtheDay.org on 12.11.13
·        Donate by phone: call  1-800-242-0238
·        ROCstars can give using any major credit card or a PayPal account.
·        ROCstars can use a desktop computer, laptop, most mobile or smartphone devices and tablets (ex. iPad).

For more information…
Thank you for your support!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Abby Wambach Raffle

                    AND FANS
We have been fortunate to have received from Abby Wambach an autographed soccer jersey with her number 20 on it along with an autographed picture .
In accordance with the  request from donor, we are having a raffle  with only 200 tickets being sold, at $10 each.  The drawing  will take place on November 26th at our appreciation dinner.

If anyone would like some of the tickets, please call Jen Gugino at 749-5002 or e-mail her at dentica@aol.com 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Paint the day PURPLE

TUESDAY, OCT. 29th is DRESS A GIRL...remember your purple!  BRING YOUR FRIENDS and let's paint the day PURPLE!!!

We will have a representative from Premier Designs Jewelers with a  table display.

Our menu will be chili, salad, french bread, desserts, beverages.  If you'd like to bring a dish to pass, please feel free.

Nov 15th.  If you have anything to donate please drop off at Angels of Mercy's office...692 N. Winton Rd

Bless you!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Human Trafficking Awareness Program

Image Source

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc
Delta Nu Omega Chapter

Human Trafficking Awareness Program

Date Saturday, November 2, 2013
Time 11:00 AM – 1:00PM
Place Helen Barrett Montgomery
School #50
301 Seneca Avenue
Rochester, NY 14621

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Runners raise awareness of human trafficking at Brighton 5K

It was a beautiful day for a race!

Photo credit: Rochester Democrat & Chronicle

"Every hour, 34 children are taken into trafficking," said Colligan, the founder of Angels of Mercy, a Rochester-based group that helps women and girls with a variety of outreach programs. "The reason I think that people don't view (the U.S.) as a country for human trafficking is it's kind of hidden."

On Saturday, about 300 walkers and runners gathered in Meridian Centre Park in Brighton for the Angels of Mercy 5K, an event to raise awareness of human trafficking, both locally and internationally.

Read more of the story at the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, HERE

Monday, August 5, 2013

Human Trafficking Awareness Event~ TOMORROW NIGHT!

You are invited to....
A Human Trafficking Awareness event, presented by Angels of Mercy,
7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6
Penfield Wesleyan Church 
1580 Five Mile Line Road, Penfield

Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor — a modern-day form of slavery. It is believed to be the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. JOIN US TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS CAUSE AND HOW YOU CAN HELP!

Photo: You are invited to....

A Human Trafficking Awareness event, presented by Angels of Mercy, a local charity founded by Mary Jo Colligan of Irondequoit, is planned for 7 p.m. next Tuesday, Aug. 6, at Penfield Wesleyan Church, 1580 Five Mile Line Road, Penfield.
Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor — a modern-day form of slavery. It is believed to be the fastest growing criminal industry in the world.


Angels of Mercy is also planning a “Stop the Trafficking - End the Cycle” 5K run and walk, to benefit the support the charity, also the New York State representative for Dress a Girl Around the World,” for 8 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, at Meridian Centre Park, 2025 S. Winton Road, Rochester.

For more information, go to www.angelsofmercyny.org
, call (585) 730-4556 or email angelsofmercyny@aol.com or shad_262@yahoo.com.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dress A Girl in the Spotlight: The Catholic Courier

The Catholic Courier took some beautiful shots of our last Dress A Girl event.
You can check them out, HERE

Friday, July 19, 2013


Our next DRESS A GIRL is at St. Cecilia's.

Last month Elizabeth Reyes, from the City Schools Homeless Education Program spoke to us.  Attached is  flyer regarding the WISH LIST for the children.  Originally we were going to have 2 weeks for drop off, but please note: if you have items now and want to bring to DRESS A GIRL...please feel free to do so.

Several of our DAG volunteers have expressed a desire to bring a dish to pass and have asked what we need.  We have decided to welcome your generosity.  

We will be providing...
         The Main Entree and Salad and beverages. 
 If anyone would like to bring FRUIT, munchies (appetizers) or a dessert, please email me before  or email Gigi atgeorgianabondi@yahoo.com,

Blessings to all---and remember to stay cool!!!!  Please bring a friend and lets have a great day!!!

Mary Jo

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Please feel free to forward this invitation to all of your friends!  
Hope you can join us as we help STOP THE TRAFFICKING and END THE CYCLE of violence and abuse!

Human trafficking in America is spinning out of control:
#      Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor - a modern-day form of slavery.  It is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world; it is estimated that trafficking generates $32 billion annually.
#      34 - The number of children that are forced into the horrific world of child sex trafficking every single hour , right here in the United States of America.  Children are enslaved in human trafficking through force, fraud, or coercion.
#       The United States has become one of the top destinations in the world for child sex trafficking. New York is one of the top destinations in the U.S. for trafficking. 
Who is at risk?  The average age a child is first exploited is 13 years old.
#      Runaways - 1.7 million runaways in the US.  >200,000 sex trafficked each year.  1 in 3 children will be picked up by traffickers and forced into prostitution within only 48 hours of being on the street. 
#      Kids in the foster system - 80% of foster kids who age out of foster care end up homeless within 2 months
#      Homeless children – did you know that there are 2000 homeless children in the Rochester City School District?
#      Victims of prior abuse – 1 in 5 American girls will be abused by the time they turn 18.   50% of shelter youth have been trafficked, and 70% of trafficked victims have experienced physical or sexual abuse in their homes.
#      Our daughters, sisters, granddaughters are all vulnerable – Kids are especially susceptible to the deception and manipulation of traffickers.  The internet has made trafficking easier than ever.
Who are the traffickers?
#        Many human traffickers have switched from drug trafficking because human trafficking is far more profitable, and the penalties are less harsh than for drugs.
#      Traffickers are very smart; they know the laws and are usually very likeable.  However, they control victims through intimidation, manipulation, physical violence-even torture, establishing daily quotas, or withholding food. They often threaten the victim’s family.
#      Traffickers prey on teens’ desire for romance and adventure and will promise an exciting, stress-free life.
What can YOU do to help?  We CAN make a difference
#      EDUCATE YOURSELF, your loved ones, and friends.  Learn about human trafficking from the websites below.  Attend a local Trafficking Awareness Event..  Check the Angels of Mercy website for an event near you.  SHARE  the warning signs with all of the teens you know.
#      STOP THE DEMAND FOR SEX WITH CHILDREN  - If you are a man, commit to avoiding all contact with pornography, prostitution, and sexual entertainment – nearly all participants in these industries are trafficking victims, regardless of their age.
#      Anything you do to mentor and minister to at-risk children and youth will reduce their risk of being trafficked.
#      Participate in efforts to create more beds to shelter and restore minor sex trafficking survivors.
Angelsofmercyny.org     SharedHope.org     ForesakenGeneration.com     WorldHope.org
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (missingkids.com1-800-THE-LOST

Stop the Trafficking - End the Cycle 5K Run/Walk

Dear Friends of Angels of Mercy,

Please consider sponsoring and participating in our first annual 5K Run/Walk supporting the mission of Angels of Mercy.

Your contribution will ensure that Angels of Mercy will achieve its objective, to
Stop the Trafficking and End the Cycle of abuse and violence against women, girls and young children.

Human Trafficking is one of the fastest growing criminal enterprises in the United States and sex trafficking is estimated to surpass the drug trade in less than five years.

We need leaders to step up, be official advocates, and help save lives.  Young women are brutalized by this horrific crime, right here in our own backyards.

We also need volunteers to spread the word and help us in our effort to make this a very successful event.

Thank you for helping us raise awareness, transform lives, and end the cycle.  You can make a DIFFERENCE!!!

WHEN:     Saturday, September 28, 2013
WHERE:     Meridian Centre Park, 2025 S. Winton Rd., Rochester, NY 14618

HOW TO REGISTER: log onto                   www.angelsofmercyny.org           right under Upcoming Events you will see Stop the Trafficking -
             End the Cycle
             5K Run/Walk     click on that and you will be able to register yourself, start a team and get any info you want.  This will bring you to Active.com

With Blessings,
Mary Jo

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Girl Rising

The documentary GIRL RISING is scheduled to be shown on Monday June 24th at 730pm at Culver Ridge theatre.  You can't afford to miss this one!

A powerful film about empowering women around the world through education.
Here is the very moving trailer:

Tickets MUST be purchased in advance- they will not screen the movie unless we have 100 people in the next 11 days.
Tickets can only be purchased using this link:
They are not for sale anywhere else.   

If we don't have 100 people, the venue will cancel the event and no one will be charged. We're 1/2 way there! Hurry & grab yours so we can get the film here. 

These girls need to be seen. To be heard. To have a voice. 

More info on the global awareness campaign here:http://10x10act.org/what-is-10x10/

Thank you!

buy now with your smart phone!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

End The Cycle 5K Run/Walk

Dear Friends of Angels of Mercy,

Please consider sponsoring and participating in our first annual 5K Run/Walk supporting the mission of Angels of Mercy.

Your contribution will ensure that Angels of Mercy will achieve its objective, to
Stop the Trafficking and End the Cycle of abuse and violence against women, girls and young children.

Human Trafficking is one of the fastest growing criminal enterprises in the United States and sex trafficking is estimated to surpass the drug trade in less than five years.

We need leaders to step up, be official advocates, and help save lives.  Young women are brutalized by this horrific crime, right here in our own backyards.

We also need volunteers to spread the word and help us in our effort to make this a very successful event.

Thank you for helping us raise awareness, transform lives, and end the cycle.  You can make a DIFFERENCE!!!

WHEN:     Saturday, September 28, 2013
WHERE:     Meridian Centre Park, 2025 S. Winton Rd., Rochester, NY 14618

log onto www.angelsofmercyny.org  
right under Upcoming Events you will see Stop the Trafficking - End the Cycle 5K Run/Walk     
click on that and you will be able to register yourself, start a team and get any info you want.
This will bring you to Active.com

With Blessings,
Mary Jo Colligan

Monday, April 8, 2013


Pasta dinner planned

Angels of Mercy Inc., a local nonprofit that fights human trafficking and promotes the development of women, will host its sixth-annual Pasta Dinner from 1 to 5 p.m. April 14 at the hall at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish at Christ the King Church, 445 Kings Highway South, Irondequoit.

Entertainment will feature the Len Hawley Boys, and the late entertainer Len Hawley will be honored at the event. The event also will feature door prizes and raffles. Tickets are $9 per person, and $5 for children 3 to 12; children younger than 3 get in free. Checks may be made payable to Angels of Mercy Inc., 692 N. Winton Road, Rochester, NY 14609. For details, call 585-730-4556.

Sunday, March 17, 2013




DRESS A GIRL... is Tuesday March 19th at
St. Cecilia's   3-8 pm

...please bring your sewing machines, scissors, bias tape and fabric/pillowcases...AND...of course yourself with all that compassion and love you have to share!!!

ALSO...reminder about our beautiful Bible Study this Thursday, March 21st from 6:30-7:30pm at Angels of Mercy office.  Come expecting a BIG BLESSING!!!!  God is GOOD and HIS love certainly endures forever!!!

Mary Jo

Friday, February 22, 2013

Upcoming Dress A Girl Events


Tuesday, February 26th from 
3-8 pm at St. Cecilia's

Saturday, March 2 from 9-2 at Browncroft Church

See you there!

BCC Pioneer Girls brought 548 Beanie Babies to the office~we just had to share! 

What awesome young girls they are!

Blessings to all!
Mary Jo

Monday, February 18, 2013

DAG Wish List

Help Us…


~Just imagine… if every girl had at least 1 dress~


Our Wish List:

-Pillowcases - Fabric - Bias Tape - Beanie Babies

-Scissors - Yarn

-Women and Girls who can sew & make dolls

For more info call: Angels of Mercy (New York State Rep for Dress A Girl)


692 N Winton Rd


Rochester, NY 14609

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Here We GROW Again!

Angels of Mercy charity has grown far beyond founder’s expectations

Image Source

We were featured in the Irondequoit Post!

Since the Angels of Mercy opened a permanent storefront in northeast Rochester just over a year ago, “the door never stops (opening),” Mary Jo Colligan said.
The charity the Irondequoit resident started just two and a half years ago, to help women in need, has already outgrown the space.
“The phone rings all day long,” said dedicated volunteer and now Angels of Mercy vice president Josie Gangarossa of Webster.
The Angels may be best known for their Dress A Girl project — which provides dresses to girls around the world in the belief that every girl deserves the dignity of owning at least one dress. The project also helps discourage would-be predators by presenting the appearance that a girl wearing a new dress is well cared for.
Just in recent weeks, the Angels of Mercy has shipped dresses to Honduras, Panama, Haiti, Kenya, other parts of Africa and the Dominican Republic.
Its biggest shipment to date — 15,000 dresses — is on its way to Cambodia.
Yet, Angels of Mercy is more than Dress A Girl.
When the charity opened its storefront on Winton Road North, it also started what it calls its Butterfly Boutique, which provides (free) complete outfits of gently used clothing for women trying to move forward in life. Some are going on job interviews, Colligan said, others are just getting back into the work force, and still others may just have gotten out of prison.
“We tell them all, ‘you are special’,” Colligan said. “Every time a woman comes in, we see transformations take place right before our eyes.”
Appointments for the boutique are preferred, but just last year, the charity “dressed and blessed” 300 area women.
A lot of them are referred by social workers, friends and churches, Gangarossa said, explaining that they give each woman two to three outfits, including accessories and coats. They can come back every three months.
Angels of Mercy also holds an annual, month-long coat and clothing drive once a year, and this past year collected 700 bags of clothing that were distributed to victims of Hurricane Sandy, refugees, in the Rochester School District, to the homeless and to local shelters.
“City schools call us begging for coats,” Gangarossa said, and they try to accommodate them.
“We want the community to know what we’re doing and where our heart is,” added Gangarossa, who had her own business and now spends three days a week at Angels of Mercy. “I felt the bigger need was here,” she said.
“We (at Angels of Mercy) are a good team,” Colligan said. “We have great, faithful board members and volunteers and such support for one another.”
Colligan is now the Dress A Girl representative for all of New York and travels around the state, often with Gangarossa or board member Georgiana Bondi, on speaking engagements.
“This (Angels of Mercy) has grown beyond my expectations; it’s just amazing,” Colligan said.

Angels of Mercy in the Spotlight!

This is why you were saving those Beanie Babies

Posted by  • February 6, 2013 • 6:01 am
Article here
I got an email yesterday from a friend who’s working with a wonderful group of young ladies from the Browncroft Community Church, and asked that I pass along some information about their community service project.
This enterprising group of fourth graders has partnered with Dress a Girl, an international organization based on North Winton Road which provides dresses and small toys to girls living in extreme poverty all around the world.  They began the project by bringing in their own toys, and then asked friends and neighbors. Some of the girls have also talked with their principals and have organized collections in several Webster schools.  Now they’re reaching out to the greater community.
The girls are looking for Beanie Babies, small stuffed animals and fast food meal toys to donate to Dress a Girl.  I’ll bet everyone has at least a few of these hanging around the house; I know I have a boxful tucked away from when my kids were little.  So when you’re doing your spring cleaning in the next few weeks, throw some in a box, and drop them off at Browncroft Community Church’s ministry office, 2530 Browncroft Blvd., Penfield.
The girls’ goal is to collect 1,000 toys.  Let’s help them get there.
Dress a Girl is a part of Angels of Mercy, 692 N. Winton Road.  Click here for more information about this wonderful organization.

Browncroft Community Church's "Pioneer Girls" are shown presenting their first collection of 110 toys to a local Dress a Girl representative.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic

Here are some of the pictures that our friend Amanda took on her medical mission trip to the Dominican Republic with Daemen College earlier this month.  She took 60 of our dresses and prayer dolls! What a beautiful bunch :)

View the slideshow HERE