Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Girl Scout Troop # 60683

Here's a note I received from a wonderful lady today...

Hi Mary Jo!

Just a quick update. The clothing flyer I brought from home went to my PCP - she's a Girl Scout leader & DAG/Clothing Drive sounds very interesting to fulfill the Community Service Badge. She likes the idea of: (1) a focus on girls around the world their own age  (2) exposing the girls to areas of sewing/crafting  (3) she liked the idea of DAG attendance @ St Cecelia's to help them find an area of interest that they might not have anywhere else (I.E. doll making, cutting out, organizing trims, etc  (4) placing the girls around women, who will readily mentor/encourage the girls in sewing, in social skills, etc if needed.  Some of the Girl Scouts have already made pillowcase dresses, through their church. I gave your cell number to Dr Lara Evans, for further details.
I spent yesterday afternoon with Girl Scout Troop # 60683 making Prayer Dolls (Each Girl Scout leader gladly welcomed the Clothing Drive flyer!). The 10 girls in attendance were excited to make the dolls & a few Girl Scouts made 2 dolls! One older girl asked to take her doll home, so she could make the dress that her doll would accompany. WOW!!!!

The girls in Troop 60683 looked rather sad @ the end of the meeting & one little 10 year old was in tears. It dawned on me that the girls would want to take the dolls home & proudly share their creation with family. So I asked that if they wanted to, please take the dolls home to explain to family what their meeting was all about  - they will bring the dolls on Oct 23 DAG meeting. The girls will probably bring home made cookies to share for the pot luck meal. Attached are pictures of some of the girls with their dolls.

P.S. I was amazed @ how well behaved these girls were! No screams, not loud yelling, no bickering - just intensely focused young ladies! One doll looks like a little girl from Norway!

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