Friday, April 6, 2012

Dress A Girl EVENT - AAUW 4/7/12

Join us Saturday, April 7, from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm (All or any part of the day)
We will “sew” dresses and make dolls to be sent around the world by the Dress A Girl program to be given to girls of all ages who are trapped in the cycle of poverty which makes them vulnerable to becoming victims of human trafficking.
We will collect donations at the AAUW and also invite you to come out and participate on our “sew” day. You do not need to know how to sew. There are jobs for everyone related to the completion of each dress and doll. For more information visit the websites of Dress A Girl Around The World andAngels of Mercy.
If you can help us with any of the following it would be greatly appreciated.
Small sewing apples /   Yarn (in neutral colors)   /Washcloths  /    Elastic    / Fabric (no see through)            Scarves  /  Pillow cases  /   Thread   / Bias tape  /  Rick Rack   /   Pins   /   Buttons   /    Needles /   Fiber fill  /      Ribbon  /  Scissors   /   Fabric  /  Pillow Cases
We are looking to borrow just for the day: portable sewing machines and sergers, two irons and boards. Please check your sewing boxes and supplies. Donations can be brought to GRAB/AAUW anytime up to and including   April 7. The washcloths that were not the right color, the tablecloth and/or pillowcases you received as gifts and never used and the fabric left from projects you have been planning to do something with can find a purpose on Saturday.
We are asking that you take any equipment you bring with you home at the end of the day or when you leave or make arrangements for it to be returned to you by calling us. We do not have storage available and we want everything returned promptly and safely.
Any supplies/materials not used will be donated to Dress A Girl to aid them in producing dresses for distribution.    
If you plan to join us please call GRAB/AAUW at 244-8890 and ask Felice to add your name to the list. Remember to tell her if you will be with us for the entire day or which part of the day. Please call by Wednesday, April 4.
I was at a Dress A Girl sewing day last week and they made beautiful dresses to be distributed to girls in the Rochester area for Easter. If you are familiar with the Polly Flinders dresses from a while back they were very much in that style. They were beautiful.

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