Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Please feel free to forward this invitation to all of your friends!  
Hope you can join us as we help STOP THE TRAFFICKING and END THE CYCLE of violence and abuse!

Human trafficking in America is spinning out of control:
#      Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor - a modern-day form of slavery.  It is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world; it is estimated that trafficking generates $32 billion annually.
#      34 - The number of children that are forced into the horrific world of child sex trafficking every single hour , right here in the United States of America.  Children are enslaved in human trafficking through force, fraud, or coercion.
#       The United States has become one of the top destinations in the world for child sex trafficking. New York is one of the top destinations in the U.S. for trafficking. 
Who is at risk?  The average age a child is first exploited is 13 years old.
#      Runaways - 1.7 million runaways in the US.  >200,000 sex trafficked each year.  1 in 3 children will be picked up by traffickers and forced into prostitution within only 48 hours of being on the street. 
#      Kids in the foster system - 80% of foster kids who age out of foster care end up homeless within 2 months
#      Homeless children – did you know that there are 2000 homeless children in the Rochester City School District?
#      Victims of prior abuse – 1 in 5 American girls will be abused by the time they turn 18.   50% of shelter youth have been trafficked, and 70% of trafficked victims have experienced physical or sexual abuse in their homes.
#      Our daughters, sisters, granddaughters are all vulnerable – Kids are especially susceptible to the deception and manipulation of traffickers.  The internet has made trafficking easier than ever.
Who are the traffickers?
#        Many human traffickers have switched from drug trafficking because human trafficking is far more profitable, and the penalties are less harsh than for drugs.
#      Traffickers are very smart; they know the laws and are usually very likeable.  However, they control victims through intimidation, manipulation, physical violence-even torture, establishing daily quotas, or withholding food. They often threaten the victim’s family.
#      Traffickers prey on teens’ desire for romance and adventure and will promise an exciting, stress-free life.
What can YOU do to help?  We CAN make a difference
#      EDUCATE YOURSELF, your loved ones, and friends.  Learn about human trafficking from the websites below.  Attend a local Trafficking Awareness Event..  Check the Angels of Mercy website for an event near you.  SHARE  the warning signs with all of the teens you know.
#      STOP THE DEMAND FOR SEX WITH CHILDREN  - If you are a man, commit to avoiding all contact with pornography, prostitution, and sexual entertainment – nearly all participants in these industries are trafficking victims, regardless of their age.
#      Anything you do to mentor and minister to at-risk children and youth will reduce their risk of being trafficked.
#      Participate in efforts to create more beds to shelter and restore minor sex trafficking survivors.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (missingkids.com1-800-THE-LOST

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